NEW Shop


Welcome to The New shopfront of Isinglass models, brought to you by Thatcham Create.

The old shop has now been removed. If you can't find what you need in the new store, drop me a line and let me know and I'll either add it to the new shop or send you an online invoice for the items you need..

The notable missing products at the moment are carriage interiors. I've not updated those in so long that I offer many seating styles and products that the old shop doesn't list. If the interior you need isn't specifically listed and you feel the generic option doesn't cover your needs, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you.

The search feature searches the entire product catalogue, so even if you are in the drawings sections, kits will be returned in your search. However it is far more flexible and you can now search on any words in the title - composite - lav - luggage etc. you might have to try both '1st' and 'first' , I'm working through looking to standardise that.

If you know the drawing number you need, there is an order by number option, the same process as in the old shop.

Loco drawings, have individual thumbnails showing you a very blurred idea of what is on that drawing. Hopefully that will be a help.

Carriage kits and some drawings show a thumbnail of a carriage side.

Most carriage drawings show a dummy picture for that carriage type - eg "single carriage" or "articulated"

Gift cards are a feature offered by my provider - add them to your Christmas and Birthday lists to save explaining which diagram you're after. I've set up appropriate values to cover drawings and kits.

Any questions, email or call 01635 925627 (hours vary)

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